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Wilding Tree Workshop

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Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust is running a workshop this Sunday 17 October, 1 – 3pm. Details below, it’s a good chance to learn more about managing invasive species.


Learn about protecting our special Banks Peninsula flora from pest plants. We’ll show you how to identify the worst threats & demonstrate practical control options.

Come & learn about the issues and opportunities associated with inherited small block conifer forests. Hear from Banks Peninsula locals about their experiences with controlling these plantations and promoting native regeneration under them.

Alice Webster, BPCT Wildside Coordinator, and Rowan Sprague, NZ Wilding Conifer Group, will give an overview of the risk wilding pines pose to both Banks Peninsula’s native biodiversity & farmland, explaining why it’s so important we act now. 

Alice Shanks, QEII Trust, will share her experience & knowledge on correct weed identification, practical control methods for getting rid of holly & strategies for long term success.

Practical control demonstrations will be given by a range of experienced locals, landowners & contractors. Techniques & tools used successfully to control wildings, conifer plantations, and exotic holly will be covered for different tree species, sizes, site accessibility & skill set.

When  1 – 3pm, Sunday 17 October 

Where 625 Le Bons Bay Road, Le Bons Bay

RSVP   By 13 October for more detailed information to [email protected]