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How Christchurch lost its tūī, and how to bring them back

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Interesting article on Stuff about tūī and how Christchurch is now the only major city in NZ without tūī .

Habitats loss is the key factor, this applies to Banks Peninsula also. You might be aware that tūī have been reintroduced, and now inhabit the Akaroa side of the harbour, with sightings also in Little River, and supposedly Wainui.

As the article says …

“There’s never really one thing that causes a species to go extinct, there’s a whole combination of factors. The one thing they have in common is that they’re all our fault.”

For tūī on the peninsula, habitat loss played a big part.”

Interestingly, “window strike” is a big factor in deaths of reintroduced birds, we’ve been looking at which work for all birds apparently.

Read the article on Stuff here.